Aker Solutions Wins Services Contract From Petrobras in Brazil
February 8, 2018
The four-year contract is valued at about NOK 800 million and includes an option for a one-year extension.
The order covers a range of services to renovate, repair and upgrade the floating production storage and offloading platforms, or FPSOs, at the Barracuda, Caratinga and Albacora Leste fields in the Campos Basin. It also entails management at the yard where replacement parts and other equipment will be fabricated.
"Brazil is an important global market and growth area for servicing oil and gas fields," said Aker Solutions Chief Executive Officer Luis Araujo. "We look forward to helping Petrobras optimize and extend the life of these assets."
The company will execute the work from its C.S.E. Mecânica e Instrumentação Ltda services base in Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. Aker Solutions acquired a majority stake in C.S.E. in December 2016.
The work starts in March 2018, with final deliveries scheduled for the first quarter of 2022.
The contract will be booked in first-quarter orders.
Aker Solutions is a global provider of products, systems and services to the oil and gas industry. Its engineering, design and technology bring discoveries into production and maximize recovery. The company employs approximately 14,000 people in about 20 countries. Go to http://akersolutions.com for more information on our business, people and values.
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