Aker Talent Student Challenge

This fall we challenge you to challenge us.
Do you want to showcase your skills and gain insight into the Aker companies for the opportunity to become a summer intern or graduate employee in 2019?
If the answer is yes, join our Aker Talent Student Challenge this fall.
Available seats: 40
Costs: Travel costs will be covered for participants living outside of Oslo
Apply by: October 7, 2018
Responsibilities and Tasks
You will have the opportunity to work in a team with other students to develop ideas for challenges faced by seven Aker companies — Cognite, Aker Solutions, Aker BP, MHWirth, Kværner, Aker Energy and Aker BioMarine.
The challenges are related to digitalization, sustainability, offshore energy products, services and customer markets.
Participants Will
- Work intensively for 30 hours to solve the challenges
- Get coaching from our expert advisors
- Apply a structured design thinking process using tools from the Aker companies
- Present their ideas in a "PechaKucha" style meeting
Representatives from the Aker companies will be at the townhall meeting where you and your group will present your ideas. A number of the candidates will be chosen for internships or graduate positions for 2019.
Last year more than 25 participants were selected for internships or graduate positions.
Applicants Are
- Engineering, business or digitalization technology students
- Problem solvers
- Curious by nature
- Team players
We Offer
- Competitive compensation and benefits
- Good work/life balance
- Positive work environment with challenging tasks
- Development opportunities
Please attach your CV, diploma and other relevant papers and apply online.
NES Advantage is Aker Talent's recruitment service provider responsible for permanent and temporary staffing services.