Investor Relations Policy

Aker Solutions seeks to engage in an open and continuous dialogue with the financial market. The company’s investor relations policy covers guidelines for the company’s contact with shareholders and the financial community.
Information and Communication
Aker Solutions shall ensure equal treatment of financial market participants and equal opportunities to access relevant information. The main communication channels are stock exchange releases, press releases and the company's website.
Aker Solutions publishes financial results on a quarterly basis according to its financial calendar which is published annually on the company’s website and to the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Members of the executive management participate actively in dialogue with the financial market, while daily communication is handled by Investor Relations. The dialogue with the market takes form primarily through annual reports, quarterly reports, meetings with investors and analysts, participation in important financial industry conferences, and capital markets events organized by Aker Solutions, and use of the company's website.
All information will be provided in English.
Contract Announcements
When announcing contract awards, the company uses the following descriptions to indicate the scope and contract value:
Description | From | To |
Major | NOK 8 billion | NOK 12 billion |
Very Large | NOK 6 billion | NOK 8 billion |
Large | NOK 4 billion | NOK 6 billion |
Substantial | NOK 2.5 billion | NOK 4 billion |
Significant | NOK 1.5 billion | NOK 2.5 billion |
Sizeable | NOK 0.5 billion | NOK 1.5 billion |
Contracts with an order intake of NOK 1.5 billion and above are defined as inside information, as per Aker Solutions' internal policy, and shall be announced through the Oslo Stock Exchange under the category 'Inside Information'.
Contracts with an order intake between NOK 500 million and NOK 1.5 billion will normally be announced under the category 'Non-Regulatory Press Releases', if and when these are decided to be announced externally.
Contracts with an order intake below NOK 500 million are normally not announced externally. They will be part of the unannounced order intake for the period, together with growth on existing contracts and contracts that are book-and-turn in nature. Exceptions may occur.
For contracts with an order intake above NOK 12 billion, Aker Solutions will provide an estimated value range on a case-by-case basis.
Silent Period
Aker Solutions shall observe a silent period about three weeks prior to the publishing of quarterly financial results. Aker Solutions does not attend any investor- or analyst meetings, or financial conferences during these periods.
Aker Solutions shall comply with applicable legislation and rules for companies listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and the Oslo Børs Code of Practice for IR of March 1, 2021.