
We have the experience, resources and tools to handle modifications on all types and sizes of offshore and onshore installations from start to finish, on time and with top quality.
We know our customers’ needs and have developed a flexible execution model that efficiently handles both the simplest of projects to the most complex modifications. Our main objective is to ensure minimum disruption of oil and gas production.
Modifications With Integration Scope Only
We modify offshore facilities to change production, upgrade systems or equipment in order to extend field life. Our modifications are carried out efficiently, using systems that integrate our operations between the land- and offshore organization.
Modifications with integration scope include, but are not limited to:
- Pressure vessel modification
- Process system upgrades
- Debottlenecking
- Flow line upgrades
- Instrumentation upgrades
- Structural and architectural upgrades
- Major tie-ins
Modifications With Module Scope
We also make and retrofit modules and smaller topsides on fields that are in production. We handle all phases in-house, from engineering and procurement, to fabrication and installation, and commissioning in close cooperation with our customers.
For complex projects, our 3D models can be used for simulation of any crane operation, marine operation or mechanical handling in our Visioneering simulation center in Stavanger. Training onshore for operations offshore has proven very valuable with regards to mitigating risk and saving cost on efficient operations offshore.