Brunei Shell Petroleum – Maintenance and Modification Management Services

BSP is by far the largest oil and gas producer in the Southeast Asian country Brunei. In 2012 BSP awarded Aker Solutions it’s first-ever contract in the country. The work is based on a yearly integrated plan, arranged in projects and ‘turnarounds’ for specific facilities and areas and we execute approximately four major shut downs per year in the period between March and end October. We also work during the monsoon period but with lower activity level. The contract period is five years with an option for a two year extension. The fields are relatively close to shore and in fairly shallow waters.
The maintenance/asset integrity work and projects will extend the life of the facilities. Aker Solutions is now commencing further hook-up and commissioning work for eight new platforms. Through the scope of work, we manage services such as;
- integrated planning
- work preparation
- fabrication
- warehouses
- logistics
- crane barges
- workboats
- jack up
The services are provided through five subcontractors/business partners.
In addition to providing management services, a key role for us is to develop local industry and personnel. Under the contract, we work with local subcontractors within engineering, mechanical, E&I, piping, surface protection and scaffolding. Aker Solutions employ around 255 local staff in addition to regionals and expats.