Offshore Fish Farming

With 50 years of experience in delivering offshore floating structures for challenging environments, we are ideally positioned to provide the technical requirements as well as the associated equipment and materials for remotely operated fish farms, no matter how complex.
Utilizing the latest advances in automated design, we offer turnkey solutions for offshore and exposed fish farming units.
Our Capabilities
- Project management
- Interface coordination
- Front-end studies, concept selection and development
- Engineering, design and execution
- Procurement of fish systems, net systems and moorings
- Fabrication, assembly and completion
- Installation, maintenance and modification services
Offshore Wind Synergies
Aker Solutions is in a key position to tackle the challenges and possibilities that may arise when aquaculture and renewable energy combine.
Wind turbines need distance between them to limit wake effects, and fish farming units require distance for biosecurity and water quality. We provide services to utilize sea space for both offshore wind farms and fish farming with shared logistics and infrastructure to enhance efficiency and reduce operating costs for both fish farmers and wind operators. Enabling shared use of area reduces the amount of ocean space restricted for others.
Aker Solutions Ocean Cage

The Aker Solutions Ocean Cage is a semisubmersible aquaculture system designed to withstand harsh offshore environments. The design ensures fish are protected against heavy waves and sea lice when submerged for long periods of time.
The cage is equipped with a double net barrier system to prevent fish from escaping. The unmanned, self-contained concept includes feed barge functionalities and remote monitoring and control. We currently offer two open cage designs, 3000 metric tons and 6000 metric tons biomass.